Thank you.

Although this blog began January 1, 2005, I was writing to myself for the first six months, as I had no idea about how to visit other blogs, leave comments, or get traffic. Duh on me - LOL So I would like to thank everyone who eventually came to visit, and especially those of you kind enough to leave comments. (These are in random order, not "most favored" or "most comments" or "most likely to get me noticed" LOL) Non-bloggers Kel = friend without a blog Robbie = friend without a blog Steph= friend without a blog MA = friend without a blog Sandy= EverAfter Weddings (not a blog - she does weddings - LOL)
Hot Coffee = 7h075 Stacey = Stac Space
Cpt Pyro = Life as I know it
GrandPooOfAwesome = It’s All Relative? Wil = The Daily Snooze
Complimenting Commenter = Complimenting Commenter
Shylah = Simply Shylah
Jim = Genuine
Stephanie = The Daily Vegetable
Bry-2000 = Purple Toupee
Scott = Swept Over
Lesser Lumpkin = Lumpy’s Oddyssey
KristieD = Just Venting
Village Idiot = Kicked Puppies
Bebe = Serenity NOW
Catherine = Just Me Rambling
Darren = Problogger
Soffy O = The Weather
SillyBahrainiGirl = Silly Bahraini Girl
Hart = Pet Lvr
Mellon Collie = Yacketayakking
Sudie Girl = Musings of a Chick
Dilated = Nu Tang
Clive = Gone Away
Veggie Babe = HP Sauce
Blog Patrol = The Blog Patrol
David B. = The Whole Note
Peter Chianca = The At Large Blog
Stuart = My Kids' Dad
Rhys = Rhysently
Orikinla Osinachi = Nigerian Times
Cube = The BLOG
Pure Mood = Just Pure Mood
OldOldLady Of The Hills = Here in the Hills
Monkey = The Monkey Cage
David = Ripples
J’s Girlfriend = Sometimes in my Head
Lee Pletzers =Author Lee Pletzers
Vanathi = Y Not?
Jean-Luc Picard = Captain Picard’s Journal
All U Need 2 No = All U Need 2 No
Deborah = Deborah Woehr
Ms. Cornelius = A Shrewdness of Apes
Carly = STFU Carly
Stargazer = Stargazer's Space
Ribbiticus = Pond Perspective
-------------------------------------- I got kind of loopy going through all of the comments trying to catch everyone’s name and link - Hope I didn’t miss anyone! -------------------------------------- I recently took at shot at Blog Explosion’s "Rent My Blog," and would like to thank my sponsors: Ribbiticus at Pond Perspective Kel at Mama? MAMA COME HERE! Amy at Amy’s Musings ------------------------------------- The picture of Father Time in my banner courtesy of Novareinna - visit for fun facts about New Years! ------------------------------------- The people down in town who set up an inflatable snow globe with a snowman inside. It was placed on uneven ground, and the blower that is supposed to circulate the "snow" inside, spews the little bits out right beside the snowman’s head. It gives the snowman the appearance of barfing, and we laugh hysterically every time we drove by! LOL! ------------------------------------ Blogger for adding word verification. Sometimes it’s a pain, but it stopped most of the spammers (hisses vehemently at all things spam - LOL) Plus sometimes I get a real chuckle out of the "almost-a-word" combinations, which oddly often fit the nature of the post. I left a comment at a post regarding the commercialization of Christmas, and the word verification was, "bahmbg" LOL! ----------------------------------- I would like to thank everyone who has linked to me, or recommended my blog, or mentioned me anywhere, anytime, ever. LOL -----------------------------------
Best Wishes to EVERYONE for a glorious New Year!


Anonymous said…
Hi! That's a pretty neat thing to do :) I'm not sure how many times I might have commented, but I have been reading you in my Bloglines since early August 2005!

So, Thanks for your well wishes and you have yourself a great and Happy New Year celebration too .. (plus all the best in 2006 and that other humbug we often say) or perhaps let's say .. "May your December 31, 2006 list be ten times longer!"

Take care // HART
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year... I bet it was time consuming to do all that... you're so kind.

Happy New Year to you & yours.
Anonymous said…
what a great idea!
happy new year!
Anonymous said…
That's not the name of my blog, haha, but no matter. I like that name better actually :).

Your humor and optimism is most treasured, marti. It's definately a breath of fresh air.

I wish you continued sucess with your blog. I'm looking forward to blogging with you for many more years.

Anonymous said…
You're just a doll, Marti. Thanks for reading my bog and commenting. I've really enjoyed your funny and heart-warming stories and know I will continue to do so well into the future.
Happy New Year!
Marti said…
Thanks to all of YOU!

Poo, I fixed your link - so sorry! (I knew I couldn't make it through all of them without a boo-boo- LOL!)
Anonymous said…
Happy 2006, Marti. :) I hope this year brings you much happiness.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Marti!!!! What a wonderful way of thanking people, I may have to borrow your idea there!

Thank YOU for writing such a great blog!
Anonymous said…
I look forward to reading more of your blog in 2006! Happy New Year!!!
Anonymous said…
I started much the same way as you and at close to the same time. I found the community in the blogosphere to be amazing.
Anonymous said…
Thank *you*! (Who says I never comment? ;-)

Best wishes,
Anonymous said…
I should have checked this out sooner!

Have a great new year, I'll be checking back in 2006!

Verification - hwuwtepr
Anonymous said…
Wow, that is impressive and must have taken you ages!

Congratulations on 2005 and all the best for 2006...

Anonymous said…
Nice work, nice thought, Marti. Good on ya.
Anonymous said…
Aww...that was sweet.

Thanks for being so supportive of my off-and-on blogging efforts.

Happy New Year!!
Anonymous said…
Right back at you!


Wishing you a prosperous and fulfilling 2006.
Anonymous said…
wwHappy new year to you too! What a sweet thing to do! Hope 2006 brings much happiness and joy to you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Marti -- may your 2006 be twice as good as 2005 was.

Sorry to appear to have forgotten you - I do read everday, faithfully, via Bloglines. Just haven't commented lately...

And so it goes.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, I'd sure like to see that snow-barfing Snowman!
Anonymous said…
wow, you're so sweet.

Best wishes for 2006 for you, too. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Loved the bit about the barfing snowglob snowman! lol That is the kind of stuff my kids and I get a kick out of! Like during the day when everyone has the blowers turned off their inflatable lawn Holiday characters and the characters are laying in puddles all over the lawn like they've been murdered? It must have been a case of Christmas-cide.

You are a great person, Marti, who also happens to be a wonderful writer! Don't let anyone cramp your style!

Anonymous said…
Wow, that's such a cool idea. Now I have all sorts of new sites to visit.

Happy New Years :)
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year to you dear Marti!!!
Anonymous said…
Kudos on a great idea! More kudos on actually pulling it off! That took a lot of time and work looking them all up, never mind typing them all out and working back and forth from compose to edit and back.
... I did a similar thing for a "Christmas card" to all those on my blog roll. I thought that was a lot of work for 40+ links! It paled to your endeavor.
...Happy New Year to you and yours.
Anonymous said…
P.S. - ..And for a job so well done, I am going to add you to my blogroll!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Marti... Its a time consuming process to list out the persons who have commented in your blog. You have done it well :-)
Anonymous said…
Have a great New Year, Marti!
Anonymous said…
I'm honored to be included in such good company. We share a lot of the same reads, which I think is how bloggers find each other. We are drawn to the same types of people.

I'm equally as glad to have found your site. May the coming year be a better one for all of us. :)

I don't like word verification but understand that it's a must-have for some of you. I'm glad Squarespace has so far stayed one step ahead of the spammers and doesn't force us to make our readers jumpt through hoops to comment.

PS: My word verification on this post was oykulrb ;)
Marti said…
I am moved to tears (again - duh LOL) by so many responses.

I thank you all and hope to see you again.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the nod! I've enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for the comments you've left on mine. It must have taken you quite awhile to compile that list. Hope your 2006 is awesome!

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