Halloween Late Entries

Couple of late entries: My friend Sandra
Sheriff Kitty
You can read Theresa's "a-mazing" tale of their Halloween adventure here.
Happy November first!


Anonymous said…
Loving Sheriff Kitty! My cats would never stand for that!
Anonymous said…
Is that your kitty? How long did the costume stay on? I've tried stuff like that before and I couldn't even get the stuff on my cats! LOL.
Anonymous said…
Aw shucks, Marti...thanks...
Marti said…
Thanks y'all!

No it isn't my kitty (I can't fathom how they got it to sit still short of putting Valium in its food - LOL)

I just found the picture on the web and it made me laugh!

I LOVED the story of your adventure Theresa!
Anonymous said…
Poor kitty...

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